Lévesque/Bishop Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameJohn Alphonse Lapointe

Birth11 Jan 1856, QC
Death15 May 1936, Sault Ste. Marie, ON
BurialWalford, ON
Birth21 Feb 1863, Isle Verte, QC3
Christen22 Feb 1863, Isle Verte, QC3
DeathMay 1932, Sault Ste. Marie, ON
BurialWalford, ON
Census1880, West Bay City, Bay, MI
Marriage5 Jul 1880, West Bay City, MI
Eugeni (Died as Child) (1887-1896)
Notes for Marie Elmire (Spouse 1)
Family resided in "Banks" suburb of Bay City, MI beginning about 1872, where children of Firmin/Esther Lévesque probably used surname "Bishop", translation of "Lévesque".
John Bishop's charts indicate name as "Marie Elmire".
5 Other records indicate name as "Elmire".
3Moved with her husband John (and children?) to Spanish, Ontario.
Known in family as an "old battleaxe" - a widely shared sentiment.
1880 U.S. Census - Emma H. BISHOP - age 17