Lévesque/Bishop Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameBarbara Ann Waterworth 
Birth6 Feb 1949, Kansas City, MO
Death18 Apr 2022, Lee’s Summit, MO
Burial22 Apr 2022, Lee’s Summit, MO
Notes for Barbara Ann Waterworth
Obituary - Langsford Funeral Home
Barbara Landes was born Barbara Ann Waterworth in Kansas City, MO, on February 6, 1949, to Charles and Lois Waterworth. She was the eldest of 4 children. She married David Landes on August 22, 1969. They had 2 children, Carrie Brigham and Robert Landes. Barbara put on the Lord in baptism at the age of 13 and was a member of the church of Christ all her life. Barbara’s mother, Lois, and her sister, Paula, preceded her in death. She is survived by her husband, David, of the home, daughter Carrie, also of the home, son Rob and his wife, Maggie of Killeen, TX, father Charles Waterworth, Nixa MO, sister Leslie Waterworth, Springfield MO and brother Bryan Waterworth and Connie of Clever MO. In addition, she leaves 7 grandchildren: Regan Klug of Des Moines IA, Jackson and Ethan Brigham of the home, Camryn Brigham of Kansas City MO, Brady Landes of New Mexico and Caroline and Garrett Lueg of Killeen TX.
David & Barbara married while he was in the Marine Corps and she was in nursing school. After she graduated in 1970, they moved to Santa Ana, CA and lived there until after Carrie was born in 1971. She always joked that after she moved to CA, it was declared a national disaster area 3 times! David was discharged from the Marine Corps in 1971 and they moved to Raytown MO, but it was difficult for David to find a job and so in 1972, he joined the Marine Corps again and this time they moved to Mission Viejo CA. Rob was born there in 1973. In 1975, David & Barbara moved to the Memphis TN area while David was in school. They were only there about 9 months and then moved on to Havelock NC. They were there 3.5 years before they moved to Alexandria Egypt where David was in the Marine detachment at the American Consulate. After about a year, they moved to Yuma AZ and were there an unprecedented 10 years! David retired from the Marine Corps in 1989 and they moved to Lee’s Summit MO in 1990 to be closer to their families. Everywhere they were stationed, they found a church of Christ to attend except Egypt where they were the church! Barbara worked a variety of nursing jobs which changed with each move. Her favorite jobs were school nursing in Yuma and home health nursing in Kansas City. She and David both retired at the age of 62 to get some of that promised Social Security money before it ran out!
Barbara wants you to know the following things about her:
• She had a sarcastic sense of humor and saw humor in many serious situations
• She taught her grandchildren to burp the alphabet
• She rolled with the punches and did what needed to be done in most situations
• She loved the military life and thrived with moves, change and even when David was deployed
• She loved her family unconditionally
• She prayed for her family daily, especially for her grandchildren to find the need to live for Jesus
• She knew a LOT of show tunes and was given to breaking out in one of them at any given moment
• She loved to sing
• She was an avid reader of many different genres
• She and David had a strong and loving marriage for almost 53 years and she credits the examples set for them by their parents and others in the church for how to have a successful marriage
• She was a flawed person
• She committed many sins throughout her life
• She didn’t always act the way she wishes she had acted
• Her quick and sharp tongue probably hurt the feelings of some of you and she was sorry for that
• She didn’t always think before she spoke
• She didn’t do things she knew she should do and she did things she knew she shouldn’t
• She lost patience with people who complained or didn’t follow directions
But here’s the great news:
• She was a Christian from an early age
• She believed completely in the saving power of Jesus’ blood
• She believed completely in the power of prayer
• She dug deep into the scriptures and tried to apply the truths she found there to her life (Although she wants you to know she didn’t do that as much as she should have earlier in her life)
• She believed that she had a home awaiting her in heaven and so when she was diagnosed with ALS, it wasn’t devastating to her
• Her faith that God was in charge and whatever happened was “all good” was strong
• And she believed that God is Good. All. The. Time.
She wants you to know that you can be blessed, have peace of mind and find salvation by trusting in Jesus, obeying his word, living the way he wants you to and digging deep in his word.
(You can add whatever you think is appropriate, but don’t make me sound better than I was. I was just an ordinary person who was blessed by God beyond measure.)
Memorial Contributions can be made to The ALS Association in Barbara name.